I did it, it's over and it was a great success!
The Experimental Food Society Spectacular was incredible. There were queues stretching down Brick lane all day as people clamoured to get at the culinary treats inside.
Love to Cake's exhibits included a life size gorilla cake sculpture, Floating Hedge cakes, and me doing a live sculpture demo of a Sea Turtle.
The Gorilla was massive and presided over the days events...
The day event went on until 5, then we cleared up and got ready for the evening's Banquet. Members of the public who bought tickets would be entertained all night and served a multi course meal by foodies such as jelly mongers Bombas and Parr, Blanch and Shock food design, butter sculptore Simon Smith, food landscape photographer Carl Warner and of course, cakes sculptures by Love to Cake.
Love to Cake made 3 spherical chocolate cake hedges covered in chocolate leaves and birds. When the dessert course arrived the cakes were bought out and admired, then taken to the kitchens and dished out to the guests.
There were lots of press there so keep your eyes peeled for Love to Cake in the papers over the next few weeks.
It was a 20 hour day but it was incredible. More giant cake sculptures here I come...